
Powers and Duties

Office of the Welfare Promotion Commission for Teachers and Educational Personnel with the powers and duties as follows:

(1) To assume responsibility for the operations of the Welfare Promotion for Teachers and Educational Personnel Committee.

(2) To coordinate and take action relating to other matters as delegated by the Welfare Promotion for Teachers and Educational Personnel Committee.

(3) To prepare annual reports on operations for submission to the Welfare Promotion for Teachers and Educational Personnel Committee.

In addition to the powers and duties under paragraph one, Office of the Welfare Promotion Commission for Teachers and Educational Personnel shall also have the authority to undertake various activities within the scope of objectives, including the following powers and duties:

(1)  To own or hold possession of property or undertake any act in relation to such property, and accept donated property;

(2)  To execute any legal transactions, contracts or agreements;

(3) To jointly with other legal entities in ant activities for administrative purposes of the Office of the Welfare Promotion Commission for Teachers and Educational Personnel;

(4) To borrow funds to facilitate activities in line with the objectives of the administration of the Office of the Welfare Promotion Commission for Teachers and Educational Personnel;

(5)  To support activities of other relevant authorities.

ที่มา : พระราชบัญญัติสภาครูและบุคลากรทางการศึกษา พ.ศ. 2546